Bernardo M. Ferdman, Ph.D.


California School of Professional Psychology



Ferdman Consulting




Ferdman, B. M. (2009, August 20). Diversity and inclusion: Scholarly perspectives. Keynote address to be presented at the 2nd International Forum on Diversity and Inclusion in Organizations, Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo, Brazil.


August 2009: Inclusive behavior and the experience of inclusion. In B. G. Chung (Chair), Inclusion in organizations: Measures, HR practices, and climate. Symposium to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago. (Co-authors: V. Barrera, A. Allen, & V. Vuong).


August 2009: Cone, D. & Ferdman, B. M. Perceiving angry Black and White men at work: Role of perceiver race and attributions for the anger. Paper to be presented at the 6th Biennial Conference of the International Academy of Intercultural Research, Honolulu.


July 2, 2009: Inclusion in diverse organizations: Concepts and research. Invited address at the 32nd Interamerican Congress of Psychology, Guatemala City, Guatemala.


July 2009: Maynard, D. C., Ferdman, B. M., Holmes, T. R., Graham, M., & Yang, H. (2009, July). The inclusion of global migrants: A model and suggestions for research and policy. Paper to be presented at 2nd Global Conference “Diasporas - Exploring Critical Issues,” Oxford, England.


June 18, 2009: Bringing Our Whole Selves and our Culture to Work -- Workshop for the San Diego Chapter of the National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA).


April 2009: Trained members of PICO California to facilitate Health Care Conversations, as part of CaliforniaSpeaks II.


April 2009: Discussant for Relational perspectives on organizational phenomena. (R. Fehr & M. J. Gelfand, Chairs). Symposium at the 24th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans.


March 2009: Assessing inclusive behavior and the experience of inclusion: A research update. Presentation at the Institute for Inclusion 4th Conference, Arlington VA.


February 25, 2009: 21st-century leadership: Performance effects of an inclusive approach. Invited presentation at Innovation to Impact – Talent Management Magazine’s Strategies 2009, Laguna Niguel, CA.


February 2009: Do You Want To Raise More Funds? Then Let's Talk about Diversity and Inclusion. Keynote Presentation for Association of Fundraising Professionals, San Diego Chapter,   Monthly Luncheon Meeting.


December 2008: Conceptualizing and assessing workgroup inclusion. Keynote presentation, San Diego I-O Professionals (SDIOP) quarterly meeting.


December 2008: Speaking up, pushing back, and engaging in conflict at work authentically, effectively, and productively. Webinar for Madrinas—Latinas Empowering Latinas.


I, we, they: Cross-cultural conflict resolution. Webinar (with R. D. Johnson, N. Haider, and J. Jones) for NAMIC Leadership Suite Webinar Series, National Association for Multi-Ethnicity in Communications.


November 2008: Latino/a identity orientations: Towards a dynamic and developmental perspective. Paper presented at the National Latina/o Psychological Association 2008 Conference, Costa Mesa, CA. (Co-author: Plácida V. Gallegos).


Developing Latino achievement initiatives in colleges and universities: Building workforce pipelines. Roundtable presented at the National Latina/o Psychological Association 2008 Conference, Costa Mesa, CA. (With Eduardo Morales)


October 2008: Panelist for Visioning the future of diversity management work: A conversation about cutting edge research and new approaches and practices in diversity with researchers, academics and diversity practitioners (Laura Morgan Roberts, Moderator). Plenary session held at “The Next Generation of Diversity Work,” 2nd Annual Pursuing the Promise of Diversity Summit and Awards Luncheon, American Institute for Managing Diversity, Atlanta.


October 2008: ¿Quién soy? ¿Quiénes somos? The power of telling our Latino/Latina life stories. Paper presented at the Research Forum, National Society of Hispanic MBAs Conference and Career Expo, Atlanta. (With Mónica Gavino)


October & November 2008: Surround Events at San Diego REPertory Theatre:


San Diego’s First Latino Mayor? (Chair and organizer). Panel discussion with U.S. Congressman Bob Filner, CA State Assemblymember Lori Saldaña, National City City Councilmember Luis Natividad, Mr. Mateo Camarillo, and Dr. Isidro Ortiz.


Sam’s Salon: Latino power, Gringo power: What’s the difference? Panel discussion with José Aponte & Sam Woodhouse.


Latino Dilemmas of Leadership: Identity, Culture, and Power (Organizer). Panel discussion with David Valladolid, Richard Montoya, Josie Calderon, Rita M. Cepeda, Guadalupe. Corona, Marco Polo Cortés, & Rosa Robles


Tough Choices: Ethics, Leadership, and Change (Organizer). Panel discussion with Aída Bustos García, Geoffrey Cox, Jaime Romo, & Howard Wayne.


Keynote Speaker. “Honoring the Past and Inspiring the Future,” San Diego County Latino Association 25th Anniversary Gala and Scholarship Award Ceremony.


September 2008: Estimulando el desarrollo de líderes comunitarios: Una perspectiva de la diversa identidad latina [Stimulating the development of community leaders: A perspective of diverse Latino identities]. Presentation in “El Voto Latino y la Nueva Dinámica de las Elecciones de EUA” [The Latino Vote and the New Dynamics of U.S. Elections], Seminar at Institute of the Americas, La Jolla, CA.


September 2008: Defining and assessing inclusion in diverse organizations and workgroups. Workshop presented at Moving Beyond Talk to Action: Building a Diverse 21st Century Organization,The Urban League of San Diego County Second Annual Diversity Summit, San Diego. (With Latasha Gillespie.)


September 2008: Area Facilitator, Equal Voice for American Families Convention, Los Angeles, CA, September 6, 2008.


August 2008: Joined the Board of Trustees of the San Diego REPertory Theatre.


August 2008: Presentations at the Academy of Management Annual Conference in Anaheim, California:


¿Quién Soy? ¿Quiénes Somos? Latino/a Life Stories and the Questions We Ask and Don't Ask. (PDW, with Mónica Gavino, Plácida Gallegos, Carlos González, Rowena Ortiz-Walters, & Robin Johnson).


In support of shared sisterhood: Creating a space for the questions we need to ask. (PDW chaired by Stacy Blake-Beard).


Teaching diversity in multiple contexts and creating a diversity minor. (PDW chaired by Myrtle Bell).


Discussant. Advances in team diversity research: Beyond the input-process-output model of team dynamics. (Symposium chaired by Lisa Leslie).


August 2008: Do you want to find a great job? Then let's talk about bringing your whole self to work.  Workshop presented at the 2008 PhD Project Management Doctoral Student Association 2008 Conference, Anaheim.


August 2008: Executive Coaching for Multicultural Executives. Webinar (with R. D. Johnson, G. Brome, C. Mitchell, J. Hyun, and S. Blake-Beard) for NAMIC Leadership Suite Webinar Series, National Association for Multi-Ethnicity in Communications.


June 2008: Identity Orientations of Latinos/as in the United States: Implications for Leaders and Organizations. Workshop presented for National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA) San Diego Chapter’s Professional Development Series.


July 15, 2008: The Paradox of Latino Leaders: Interview with Marshall Goldsmith for his column on, Marshall & Friends.


July 2008: Elected President of San Diego Industrial-Organizational Professionals, (SDIOP).


May 2008: Conference Moderator, Healthy Bodies: Healthy Minds, 3rd Annual Latino Health Conference, San Diego Prevention Research Center, San Diego, CA.


April 2008: Varieties of Latino Identity and their Implications for Leaders and Organizations. Faculty Seminar, California State University, San Marcos, CA.


April 2008: The role of psychology in leadership development: Then and now. Workshop (with Rebecca Turner) at the Annual Convention of the California Psychological Association.


March 2008: Cultural competence through workforce diversity: Promises and challenges. Workshop presented at “Evolving with Communities to Achieve Culturally Responsive Approaches,” Cultural Competence and Mental Health Summit XV, San Diego. (With A. Sciola, F. Ortiz, R. Castillo, & A. A. Outcalt.)


February 2008: Invited to join the Diversity Collegium, a think tank of diversity practitioners and thought leaders that has an alliance  and holds joint programs with the American Institute for Managing Diversity.


March 2008: Featured article at  on my ideas and work on inclusion. The article is titled "So you have cultural diversity, now what? The tools and theories of inclusion", and is currently available for free. (Once a new article is posted, this one will be available through DiversityCentral's archives.)


July 11, 2008: Keynote speaker and discussion facilitator at Teaching and Training Workplace Diversity: Bridging the Research-Practice Gap, a conference sponsored by George Mason University to explore the latest research and best practices in diversity business education and training. Keynote address: "On the shoulders of giants? The role of scholarship and research in diversity teaching and training." Faciliated discussion on the question: What should be the goals for diversity classes and training?


June 26, 2008: Workshop for the San Diego Chapter of the National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA) -- ''Identity Orientations of Latinos in the United States; Implications for Leaders and Organizations''. (Click for the press release.)


April 25, 2008: Presenter at the 5th Hispanic Executive Summit sponsored by the National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA), in Anaheim, CA. My session was titled "Finding and Using One's Own Voice in Managing Conflict and Pushback."


April 11, 2008: At the SIOP conference in San Francisco, Douglas Maynard and I facilitated a roundtable The Marginalized Workforce: How I-O Psychology Can Make a Difference to follow up on a panel discussion in 2007. Click here to go to our Google Group on marginalized workers.

April 28, 2007: Chaired an invited panel discussion at the 22nd annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology titled Working on the Edge: I-O Psychology and Marginalized Workers. The distinguished panelists were Josep Blanch, Dov Eden, and Ellen Kossek. Click here to go to the resource page for that session.


March 2-3, 2008: The Institute for Inclusion held its second conference -- Inclusion: The Big Idea! -- in Washington DC. I've been working with the Institute since it started; I served on the committee that produced the Inclusion Principles, and chaired the group working to develop a set of key Inclusive Behaviors.


I am thrilled to be working with Ascent-Leading Multicultural Women to the Top, a new national, not-for-profit organization founded by Dr. Ella L. J. Bell and dedicated to supporting multicultural women in their professional development and corporate career advancement. In February 2008, I taught in the first Mastering Management Program, for women in middle management. The workshop I did in the program was Becoming a Diplomatic Warrior: Speaking Up, Pushing Back, and Engaging in Conflict at Work Authentically, Effectively, and Productively.



August 2007: I was honored to serve as lead co-facilitator for CaliforniaSpeaks, a statewide discussion to evaluate proposals to reform healthcare in California. (In June 2008, I joined AmericaSpeaks as an Network Associate.) Click here to watch all or part of the webcast of the event, which included over 3500 people in 8 sites across California. Click here to watch an excellent and moving 9-minute overview and summary of the event.

Photos from CaliforniaSpeaks:

Welcoming Fabian Núñez, Speaker of the California State Assembly, to the stage.


On stage with Carolyn Lukensmeyer, lead co-facilitator and President and Founder of AmericaSpeaks.


Click here to read my interview and my column on inclusion published throughout 2007 in The San Diego Psychologist.


Click here to read my profile in the Carmel Valley News, published 3/15/2007.


April 28, 2007: Chaired an invited panel discussion at the 22nd annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology titled Working on the Edge: I-O Psychology and Marginalized Workers. The distinguished panelists were Josep Blanch, Dov Eden, and Ellen Kossek. Click here to go to the resource page for that session. April 11, 2008: at the SIOP conference in San Francisco, Douglas Maynard and I facilitated a roundtable The Marginalized Workforce: How I-O Psychology Can Make a Difference to follow up on the 2007 session. Click here to go to our Google Group on marginalized workers.


Division 45 of the American Psychological Association (Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues) nominated me as a candidate for President-elect in 2007. Click here to read my election statement. (The election was held from April to June 2007.)


October 22, 2007: Keynote address, Inclusão em organizações e grupos de trabalho diversos: Visões a partir da teoria, pesquisa e prática [Inclusion in diverse organizations and workgroups: Insights from theory, research, and practice]. at "I Fórum de Diversidade–Diálogos sobre Diversidade e Inclusão: Experiências Acadêmicas e Empresariais" [1st Diversity Forum—Dialogues on Diversity and Inclusion: Academic and Business Experiences], at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brazil.


August 2007: Presentations at the Academy of Management Annual Conference in Philadelphia:


Principles of Mindful, Inclusive Leadership: A Philadelphia Experience (PDW, with Ilene Wasserman and Plácida Gallegos).


Raising our Expertise in Chairing Dissertations: Learning from One Another (PDW, with Kathryn Goldman Schuyler, Lee Robbins, David A. Whetten, Jerome Katz, Mark P Kriger, and Antoinette Swayne-Kohlman)


Workgroup Inclusion, Diversity, and Performance (Interactive Paper, with Avi Avigdor, Deborah Braun, Jennifer Konkin, and Daniel Kuzmycz -- doctoral students in Alliant's PhD Program in Consulting Psychology)


Discussant, Mentoring within Diverse Ethnic and Sexual Identity Relationships, GDO Paper Session.


November 2006: Marshall Goldsmith presents me with the Outstanding International Scholar-Practitioner Award on behalf of the Marshall Goldsmith School of Management at Alliant International University: